Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Facebook and twitter and linked in Oh My: social media for authors

By Deborah Herman

Here I am, the co-founder of the Writer, Agents and Editors Network: www.WAENet.com, I am the co-founder of Writer Entrepreneur Network: www.theWENet.ning.com, author of ten books, a veteran literary agent, someone who consults on platform building and I am finding that the social media scene practically gives me hives. It can be totally overwhelming even for those people born later than my fellow baby boomers. No matter who you are there is so much to take in and to consider that it is like going to a noisy nightclub with a disco ball. I might have relished the energy and noise when I was younger but now it gives me a super headache.

I have attended many workshops on social media to help me make sense of it for  myself and for the members of my various social networks. I recently attended one given my David Vyorst, Web Strategist | Co-Founder at Relay Station Social Media LLC | Acclaimed Video and Web Producer according to his linked in profile, which was very clear. I highly recommend following him on Twitter at @dvyo for up to the minute information on branding and social media. He shared a link from the slide show he presented to us at the conference. It lacks his commentary, humor and personality but it does lay out social media and its purpose very well. CLICK HERE FOR THE SLIDE SHOW

One of the most important things I learned from his presentation and others is that social media is first and foremost a way to connect with others. It is not about selling your product. Think about how it would look if you would walk into a party and announce to everyone "I have a book I have written. I would like all of you to buy it." I have been approached at innumerable social events where people hand me manuscripts to represent, and I guarantee they are not put at the top of the list. If I spend time getting to know them and form a relationship, I might just hand them a card when I subtly discover they are writing a book. It is the same mentality. You meet people on line by networking with people with similar interests, you form relationships and then you see if they want what you have to offer.

This also makes social media something that is fun and not so daunting. If you like your message and you like people you will enjoy engaging in the many discussions that can take place across the internet. You do not have to devote every waking hour to it even though it seems like that. There are many programs that streamline your social media efforts so you can see them all at once. There is Hootsuite.com for Twitter and other platforms as well as Dlvr.it.com where you can schedule posts ahead of time.

Social media is here to stay and is the best way for authors to generate communities of potential readers. It needs to be approached one step at a time so you do not become overwhelmed. Let us know where you are getting stuck so we can unstuck you and make it fun. You can join www.WAENet.com to network with Writers, Agents and Editors to discuss craft and the industry and you can join www.theWENet.ning.com if your are ready to learn writer entrepreneurship. We are here to help.

Deborah Herman is a literary agent and co-founder of two social networks for writers:
the Writers, Agents and Editors Network www.WAEnet.com and Writer Entrepreneur www.theWENet.ning.com

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